Monday, November 1, 2010

Best way to create an rss feed from SQL Server

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to create and maintain dynamic rss feeds from SQL Server then RSS Reporter is your best bet. Completely free for one SQL Server instance RSS Reporter for SQL Server supports SQL Server 2008, 2005 and 2000. It allows you to write a t-sql query and automatically generates an rss feed with the results of the query. Every time a feed reader refreshes the feed the query you have defined will be executed against the chosen database and the feed will be updated with the new results.

Need to change the rss feed? No problem – simply login to the rss reporter admin interface, modify the query, save it and you are done – all users that are reading that feed will get the new results next time the feed is refreshed.

Best of all: RSS Reporter for SQL Server is completely free (no strings attached) for a single SQL Server instance and only $99 for 5 SQL Server instances. A DBA in charge of monitoring SQL jobs from multiple servers will greatly appreciate the pre-built SQL Server jobs feeds – all jobs from all servers in one aggregate rss feed; that is efficiency!

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