Thursday, May 22, 2008

xSQL Profiler - what sets it apart from the competition

We just released xSQL Profiler yesterday and thought we should answer the natural questions that come into every potential user's mind - "how is this different from what's already out there?" and "how can it help make my job easier?".

Before we get to "what sets xSQL Profiler apart" we need to first explain what it does so here is the brief list of what it allows you to do:
  • register SQL Server instances and databases in the xSQL Profiler workspace;
  • define highly granular events that you may want to trace (a predefined set comes with the product);
  • define traces (choose the servers / databases you wish to trace; choose the events; set filters so that you can trace exactly what you want nothing more, nothing less);
  • schedule traces - you can define as many start/stop intervals as you wish and set those intervals to occur only once or recur daily, weekly, monthly;
  • view trace data using the xSQL Profiler predefined viewing panel that allows you to filter sort and group the events;
  • query the central repository directly using T-SQL.
xSQL Profiler will automatically start and stop the traces in all the servers/databases you have selected and pull the trace data from each server periodically. In other words you set it and forget it.
Now, how is this different from the rest of the tools out there:
  • you can deploy this monitoring and auditing platform in minutes days, weeks or months - there are no agents on the servers that will be traced - you simply install the xSQL Profiler on a workstation or server where the xSQL Profiler service will also be running and you are done with the installation.
  • allows a high level of granularity in defining events / traces thus eliminating the unnecessary load placed on servers when you trace more than you need to.
  • It is so simple even a "cave man could do it" - these geico commercials are getting to me :)
  • IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE (only for up to two SQL Server instances that is - what did you think, someone's got to pay for all that work we have done) <- -="" any="" couldn="" fine="" finer="" here="" i="" it="" li="" make="" print="" read="" t="" than="" the="" this="">
Lastly, let's get to the "how does this help me" question. Well, if you manage SQL Servers for living you don't really need an answer to this and if you don't manage SQL Servers for living then what are you doing reading this - have you got nothing better to do? Just kidding you are welcome to read this and tell everybody in the World how great it is (after you try it yourself of course). You can read more about this cool product here: and you can download your free copy from here:

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